Friday, November 28, 2008

Obama and Public Schools

Presdident-Elect Barack Obama has been almost universally lauded for making quality, competent, appointment picks. However, the real test of his character, and his ability to bring effective 'change' to America, will not be his appointments, but his political courage to fight the entrenched special interests.
In 'Audacity of Hope,' Obama states that the Teachers Unions must be fought to save our public school systems. This is quite a conservative position. Will he do it?

Jonah Goldberg gives us indicators.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Let the Corruption Begin

Terrorists You Can Believe In.

In 1999, Bill Clinton shamelessly pardoned 16 unrepentent terrorists. (View the wikipedia entry here.) The Congress and Senate overwhelmingly voted to condemn this action.

One of the few defenders was P-E Obama's reported pick for Attorney General of the United States.

Watch Eric Holder be grilled by Senator Orrin Hatch.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Change UN Can Believe IN

Some here in the States think that electing Barack Obama as President will make the international community like us. The question, though, is why we feel the need to be liked by losers.

Case in point: UN Thugs at it as usual.

Monday, November 17, 2008

More on Bailouts

President-Elect Obama has joined with congressional Democrats in supporting a government-sponsored bailout of the Big 3 automakers. A case could theoretically be made, that the short-term effect of the three of them going under, would be so devastating as to justify such action.
However, all this only makes sense if the government CAN prop up the Big 3. What if the Big 3 are in such bad shape, that the government can only postpone the inevitable, and only at great cost?
The numbers speak for themselves.

UPDATE: Another reason to not bail these folks out.