Sunday, October 11, 2009

Pig Flying Moment

The BBC openly questions the veracity of man-made global warming:

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Iranian Government: Big Netanyahu Fans?

A few weeks ago, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu declared that the "true nature of Iranian regime had been 'unmasked.'"

Apparently, Ahmadinejad liked the phrase so much, he decided to borrow it in reference to President Obama, according to this AP report.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Netanyahu: Slyly shifting the debate

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyhu gave his much-anticipated Palestinian Policy speech today. Analysts were waiting to see whether he would reject the two-state solution or change his long-held view, and accept a future Palestinian state, in response to serious pressure for the Obama administration. The assumption was that he was in a no-win situation; either lose his base or escalate confrontation with the United States.

Instead, Netanyahu created a third option. He endorsed a Palestinian state, albeit without a military. Long time followers of Netanyahu will note that this exactly what his view has been since time immemorial, just worded slightly differently. However, to the gullible media, and the history-illiterate Obama administration, this was a stunning reversal. I wouldn't have believed this would work.

To understand, think about what the implications of a Palestinian state would be. After all, since Oslo, the Palestinians already have their own elected government and responsibility for their own affairs. This is known as the Palestinian Authority. What's the difference between an Authority and a State?

A Military.

It's similar to the Same-sex Marriage debate here in these United States. Most people don't realize that same-sex marriage is legal in all 50 states, and no one is capable of legally banning that. Anyone can marry in their private religous institution as long as that institution allows. The only debate is whether the state will record it, which has minor implications for health insurance, life insurance and some hospital visits. I don't think most people realize that's all the debate is about.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Supremo Quote of the Year

"Divinely inspired text may contain the answers to all earthly questions, but the DueProcess Clause most assuredly does not." - Antonin Scalia

Sunday, June 07, 2009

The Cairo Effect?

Did the June 4th Cairo speech energize reformers in Lebanon to come out and vote for the pro-Western slate? Impossible to say for sure, but kudos to President Obama if it did. More critical to global peace are this Friday's elections in Iran. That will likely be seen as more of a test of Cairo.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Actual Quote from our esteemed Majority Leader.

I just heard Senator Harry Reid say this, verbatim:

Reid: "We will not release terrorists in the United States."

Reporter: "What about putting them in prisons in the United States?"

Reid: "You cannot put them in prison without releasing them."

Reporter: "Can you explain?"

Reid: "I cannot be any more clear."

Sunday, May 17, 2009

This neatly seems up my views on several issues

From Mark Steyn:

"It's the Miss USA standard of political integrity: Carrie Prejean and Barack Obama have the same publicly stated views on gay marriage. But the politically correct enforcers know that Barack doesn't mean it, so that's okay, whereas Carrie does, so that's a hate crime. In the torture debate, Pelosi is Obama and Dick Cheney is Carrie Prejean. Dick means it, because to him this is an issue of national security. Nancy doesn't, because to her it's about the shifting breezes of political viability."

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Think the Germans regret the holocaust?

Nope. They're undermining any effort at stopping Iran from getting the bomb.
From the Jpost:

Iran deals such as that of Bayerngas [the biggest municipal gas procurement platform in Germany] trigger no critical response among German politicians or the public, and organization's like NUMOV shamelessly advertise in public for even better German- Iranian economic ties.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

The BBC - Too Pro-Israel?

This must qualify as a pig-flying, pinch-myself, moment. The BBC is being accused all over Britiain for being biased in favor of Israel. And the critics are right.

Maybe the BBC is not really anti-Israel, just anti-common sense?

That's what happens when you release POWs before the war is over...

Has anyone seen "Saving Private Ryan"?

Thursday, January 01, 2009

How to win in Gaza

Some have questioned the usefulness of the air campaign against the Hamas regime in Gaza. After all, they argue, didn't the air campaign against Hezbollah in the North accomplish little?

Good point! Here's what Lebanon II taught us. If you're going to air raid, you need to scorch the Earth. No more highly surgical, we love civilians, tactical pinpoint strikes. They need to break the Gazans until they no longer support Hamas. Break out the incindieries. Don't target civilians, but destroy all infrastructure.

Here's the model:


Tokyo has not been heard from since.