Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Haha he can't fire Petraeus

"During a flight in May, after a glass of wine, Petraeus told his own staffers that the administration was [expletive] with the wrong guy."

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Greatest Living Republican makes me jump up and down:

The Greatest Living Republican makes me jump up and down:

Sunday, March 28, 2010

What Rubio should have said

Marco Rubio demolished Charlie Crist in their FOX debate this week. That needs no explanation. However, Rubio did not do as well as he could have.

Conservatives are always looking for the next 'Reagan.' What was Reagan? As in his famous "Time for Choosing" speech, and countless other times, he connected the dots of liberty and economic freedom, and contrasted them to statism and tyranny in a powerful way.

When Crist defended his stimulus support, Rubio answered by deriding the results and asking who could be "trusted" to fight Obama.

What Rubio should have said was this:
"The purpose of government is not to create jobs through fiscal policy. Although the Fed is charged with maximizing employment through monetary policy, it is not feasible nor practical for the federal government to create jobs through spending money. The government simply can't buy 100% employment. There was a regime that tried that - it was called the Soviet Union, and it didn't work, it will never work, and it's not what we're going to do in America."

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Obama admits to the big lie.

The biggest lie Obama has repeated ad nausaem for 2 years, has been his pledge that his party's health care reforms would allow one to keep their existing coverage.

He finally bit the bullet and partially fessed up on Friday:

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Fun Facts about Scott Brown

* Scott Brown has counted to infinity. Twice.
* Scott Brown is the only man to ever defeat a brick wall in a game of tennis.
* Every night before going to sleep, Osama bin Laden checks under his bed for Scott Brown.
* Scott Brown has already been to Mars; that's why there are no signs of life there.
* Only two things can kill Superman: Kryptonite and Scott Brown.
* Why does Iran want nuclear weapons? Out of fear of Scott Brown.
* Scott Brown once stood on our south border and glared at Mexico. There was no illegal immigration for a month.